Exclusive interview about  Laurine Lambert, American Actress, Director and Writer

By Jean-Paul Eliard
The  August 22, 2024


Hi Laurine, I'm glad to do this interview

Can you introduce yourself to the visitors of cinema-movietheater.com?

My name is Laurine Lambert. I am an actress originally from Amsterdam.
I moved at age 18 to study theater & film production in California.
I lived there for seven years and gained my work experience in acting.
I currently reside in Paris to get more work opportunities between Europe. 


What did you interest when you read a script ?

For me I am always curious what character I could play.
Looking at the dialogue but also focusing on the theme and atmosphere of the script. And a script with a strong, unique voice always stands out. 


How did you prepare for your roles?

During my acting studies I’ve taken the Lessac Voice Training. This is a technique I always use if I prepare for any audition.
The most important thing for me to prepare for any role will always be voice training.


When and why did you choose to be an actress?

I was always interested at a very young age.
I knew I wanted to do something in film. Both my parents work and studied in the arts industry so it definitely inspired me.
I have always admired storytelling and the freedom with creative expression. 

You had a role in F9: The Fast Saga (2021)

How was the filming and what memories do you have of it?

I have great memories about shooting F9. The whole booking process went overall really fast. The days we were shooting in downtown LA were very long night shoots.
We also had to shoot with motion graphics between a green screen. The only bad memory I’ve had of it was I overdosed myself with too many tacos at catering. 


You are Actress, Director and Writer. What do you like in these activities? 

Because I have two degrees in theater and film production it gave me a broad perspective. What I really like about acting is the thrill you get from performing either a live performance or on screen.
Directing is all about shaping the story and working closely with actors to get the best performance.
What I mostly like about writing is the entire creative freedom. Writing allows you to leave something behind.
Your words can outlive you, creating an impact on readers, viewers, or society. 

What is your next challenge / project?

These next months it’s quite uncertain where I will be living. It all depends on the jobs I will be getting.
One good thing about Europe is that all countries are pretty close to each other.
So from Paris I can easily take a one hour train ride to Brussels for gigs or even London. I am trying to book more auditions in London as I got approved through Equity. 


Thank you very much for your interview Laurine and I wish you all the best.
More information about Laurine on Instagram and on IMDb

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