Exclusive interview with Brianna Denski, American Actress

By Jean-Paul Eliard
The March 6 th, 2019


Hi Brianna, First, I'm very happy to do this interview about you

Can you introduce yourself to the visitors of cinema-movietheater.com?

 Hello Everyone!!!  I am Brianna Denski, the voice of June Baily in the movie Wonder Park. I am 15 years old, in 10th grade and so excited to share my
story with you.


What did you like about the storyline of Wonder Park and about June?  

 Its a very fast paced, feel good movie without a dull moment in it.  I love that June is creative, loves math and even during the most difficult times she puts her imagination and engineering skills to work to solve problems. 


How was the recording of your voice?

Not clear on this question, but, The process of recording Wonder Park took almost 4 years to complete. 
It was an exciting, learning opportunity for me because I had done mostly theater work before this , which is saying a line once in a performance, using body language to express yourself and moving on to next scene. 
In animation, all the emotion comes from the voice so I had to come up wih
3 or 4 creative ways to say the same line to give editing options.  

The yelling and out of breath scenes were a lot of fun to record because
i would jump around in a circle in the recording booth to get my body and voice at the perfect level.

In November 2014, you auditioned for the lead in the Paramount animated feature film AMUSEMENT PARK, and because of your unique. mature, husky voice, you landed the leading role (June).

How do you identify and find the voice of an animated character?

Honestly, I didn't find the voice of June, June found my voice.  It is my actual speaking voice in the film. 
All I did was bring June Baily to life by giving her attitude and emotion.

To do the voice of a animated character, is it more difficult than to be an actress in a movie ?

 Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Let me explain. 

Acting in a movie requires line memorization, scene preparation, facial expression, body language, costuming, hair, makeup, etc. 
Whereas in animation, you come as you are, and let your voice do the work.
In animation we have the freedom to bounce back and forth between scenes without the need of set changes, costume changes or camera reallignments.   However, in animation, we usually do not have the other actors to feed off of, so all of the emotion in the lines must be created within our own heads,
which is why we need to give editing so many choices.  


When and why did you choose to be an actress and give your voice to animated characters?

I have always wanted to be an actress and spent many years performing in the Nutctacker.  In 4th grade I was the Lead role in Annie.  After the show was over, one of my favorite teachers and the principal drove me to NYC to audition for the Broadway Show.
I didnt get the role, but it made me understand auditioning and that NYC isnt so scary after all.  Shortly after, we saw an Open House advertised at Connecticut Kids Talent Management and decided to check it out. 
They thought that I was very talented, but my permanent teeth started growing in behind my baby teeth, so I kinda looked like a shark (btw, I love sharks).
I was told that until my teeth were fixed i couldnt do camera work, but they would submit me for voice overs. 
I believe i was with my manager for 2 years, going on many auditions before getting the role of June in  the Wonder Park movie.

To be a young actrice, is that a problem for the school?

It is definitely a challenge! I go to a public school for the arts, so they have
more of an understanding, but I am only allowed 20 days of missed classes
and must make up all of the work.  

While recording the movie over the last 4 years, I usually only missed 1 or 2 days a month and maybe a few extra for auditioning, so it hasnt been a big problem.  However, this year, with the movie finally coming to theaters, I have speaking engagements, interviews and a 5 day trip to LA for the premiere
with 2 major projects due, daily schoolwork and homework to make up while juggling rehearsals for our school play every night.   


What is your next challenge? 

It is my goal to work on a Live Action movie or TV show where I am not only heard, but my fabulous face is also seen. 


Do you wish to add something? 

Wonder Park opens in Theaters April  3 in France! 
Join June's world of imagination! Never lose the child in you, because
it can get you through some of life's most challenging moments! 

Thank you very much for your interview Brianna and I wish you the best for your future

More information on Brianna on Facebook , and on IMDb

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