Exclusive interview with Angela Griffin, England Actress and Soundtrack

By Jean-Paul Eliard
The January 08th, 2019


Hi Angela first, I'm very happy to do this interview about you and
happy new year 2019.

Happy New Year to you too!! I think it’s going to be a good one.
Thank you

What did you like about the storyline and your role in the series
The Detail ?

I loved that the show was being led by 3 women who had complex lives both

in and out of work. My character Stevie felt very close to my life, the juggles

and struggles of being a working mum. 
Stevie is very good at her job and actually finds it easier to navigate than being a wife and mother. 
The strong friendship with Jack was also a great thing to play.

How was the filming?

I t was my first time filming abroad and so I missed my family ,but I was being kept busy doing a job that was so exciting, that it kept me from going mad. 
It was a tight schedule so we worked really hard, but I’m so proud of the end product. 


In France on the channel France 2, since yesterday evening, we see the season 1.Will there be a season 2?

Unfortunately not.  The Canadian broadcaster didn’t renew us so sadly it’s just the one season. 
I really would have loved to do more.  I think its a fantastic show.


When and why did you choose to be an actress ?

I’ve been acting professionally since I was 13, I never imagined doing
anything else.  It is my passion in life.  Being able to inhabit different lives without the risks that come with it is exhilarating. 


What is your next challenge?

I have a new show called Turn Up Charlie that is being aired on Netflix from 15th March starring Idris Elba, I’m in the middle of shooting a show called
Wild Bill with Rob Lowe and I’ve just started filming a new show which
I can’t reveal quite yet. Phew. It’s a busy time.  I love it

Thank you very much for your interview Angela and I wish you
the best for your future.

More information about Angela on IMDb

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