By Jean-Paul Eliard (With the help of his mom. Thank you)
The May 24 2022
Hi * Christopher, first, I'm very happy to do this interview about you
* Gavin loves his character on "9-1-1" so much that he asks to be called "Christopher" "all the time--not just on
Can you introduce yourself to the visitors of ?
Hi, it’s Gavin. Hello to everyone at cinema-movietheater dot com! I am 12 years old now and I’m on the show 9-1-1.
I’m so excited that we just heard that we get another season! I’m especially happy because I get to work with the cast and crew for another season!
I hope we can do this forever! I think the show will go forever even when I’m a grown up because I love it so much and everyone does!”
What do you like in your character Christopher Diaz and in the storyline
of 9-1-1?
Gavin: What I like in my character Christopher is… well I think most people like his hair. Remember when Christopher thought he could skateboard?
I like when he thinks he can do anything.”
Mom: “Gavin gets so many beautiful messages from people who say he inspires them to keeping moving forward in spite of whatever obstacles they are facing when they
see his perseverance and positive attitude.”
Gavin: “oh yes I get that a lot. I am always happy! At least everyone says that to me all the time but I guess it’s true. Also when people meet me they say that
they love me and I inspire them.
They say -you do such a great job we can’t wait for your next episode - we are so proud of you- you are my favorite… also they ask me for a hug usually and even a picture!”
I liked the scene when I banged on the door.”
Mom: “oh the scene where you were scared because your dad wouldn’t come out of his room and he was breaking things & you called Buck?”
Gavin: “Yes! I liked using the phone and it was fun to pretend to be scared. I also really liked to pretend to be scared in the Tsunami. It’s fun to pretend to be scared because I’m not afraid of
anything in real life.”
Mom: “are you sure? There’s nothing
you’re afraid of?”
Gavin: “I’m sure. There’s nothing I’m scared of. I seriously can’t think of anything. I was afraid of donkeys because one bit my leg when I was 4 but not anymore because I’m bigger now and I
know donkeys aren’t scary!”
Gavin: “ I got this role because I auditioned for it. My sister got a role and I cried because I wanted a role so my mom asked my sisters manager and said Gavin wants one, so she got me a
Mom: “Gavin, she got you the audition- you had to learn your lines and act out the scenes for the director and producers and then they picked you! YOU got the role, she got you the audition.”
Gavin: yeah yeah that’s right, I remember that!”
Gavin: “shooting with Ryan is fun! I mean, I have a good time with him and
he has a good time with me. He’s easy
to act with!
Sometimes when I mess up he has to do his lines over and over again so sometimes it’s hard for him to do his lines over and over and over again.
I love working with Ryan because he loves me and makes me happy!
He is a good actor! When I see Kenny I get excited and get out of my wheelchair and walk over to hug him! He’s always happy! And it’s hard to work with Oliver (Buck) because I always want to have fun with him and we laugh but then we have to be serious.
But he is a very good actor too!”
Mom: “oh yes, the tsunami was especially hard because poor Buck was working hard to rescue Christopher and he kept having to redo the scene because Gavin was
having too much fun & laughing!”
Gavin: “I was having waaaay too much fun when I was supposed to be acting scared in those scenes! If I was doing these scenes now I would act very scared… but I
think I might still be laughing!”
Gavin: “um… I do some auditions so I’m not sure, but I hope to book a movie!”
Gavin: “thank you so much for this interview! Some of the questions you asked me were hard, like what I like about my character and I had to think hard so
I hope you like my interview too! Have a great day!”
Thank you very much for your interview Gavin and I wish you all the best