Spider-Man: No Way Home (USA)

Release in USA the December 17 2021

To see  the website 


Director : Jon Watts
Scenario : Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comic book by)
Main Cast : Tom Holland, Zendaya,  Benedict Cumberbatch..........
Genres : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi


Storyline :

Peter Parker's secret identity is revealed to the entire world. Desperate for help, Peter turns to Doctor Strange to make the world forget that he is Spider-Man. The spell goes horribly wrong and shatters the multiverse, bringing in monstrous villains that could destroy the world


My review :

The special effects are really magnificent, there is humor and very good actors / actresses in their roles.
It's hard not to like the universe of this blockbuster.


My grade:

09  / 10

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