Exclusive interview with Stephen Hagan, Irish Actor and Producer

By Jean-Paul Eliard
The August  7  2019


Hi Stephen,

First, I'm very happy to do this interview about you


What did you like about the storyline and  your role in Stan Lee's Lucky Man?

I loved the fantasy aspect in a real life environment.
So the audience felt like it was something that could happen to them too.
A more believable super power


How was the filming with  Leilah de Meza (Daisy Clayton), 
Eve Best (Anna Clayton), James Nesbitt

(Harry Clayton)......... and with the directors ?


 It was a great experience. By the end we had created a very close and committed team


If a lucky bracelet really existed, what would you do with it ?

 I would try and create happiness for my own family-and try and earn a bit of cash on the side. Exactly the same as Harry!

Stephen Hagan in Stan Lee's Lucky Man (2016) Titles: Stan Lee's Lucky Man, Missing Persons People: Stephen Hagan

You are born to Belfast (North Ireland).

What do you think if there is a Brexit with no-deal and a border beetween North Ireland and South Ireland ?

 I think the border in Ireland is on of a long list of damaging things to out country that was not even mentioned before the referendum and now the people in control of it don’t realise how important a frictionless border is to the people all over Ireland and has been for centuries. 

 I just hope that common sense prevails


When and  why did you choose to be an actor ?

 It was always something I loved doing as a child but I never thought I could make a career out of it.
I was very lucky to have a mother who encouraged me and told me to try for drama school if I really wanted to do it. She took me to all my auditions-I got in and the rest is history


What role would you like to play and what kind of film or serie ?

 I really enjoy all the contemporary stuff around at the minute that could be happening around the corner from anyone at any minute.
And anything with twists and turns that keeps the audience guessing thought out the series and has them talking all over the country.


What is your next challenge ?

 My current challenge is taking my wife and kids along the wild atlantic way on the west coast of Ireland and trying to keep them interested and entertained.
I've never been out to the west coast of Ireland and I've always wanted to. It is beautiful and the people are wonderful. Fingers crossed we get good weather


Do you wish to add something ? 

 Just thank you for getting in touch and I hope that France viewers enjoy the show as much as we did filming it


Thank you very much for your interview Stephen and I wish you the best for your future

More information on Stephen on Facebook,  on Instagram, on IMDb and on Twitter

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