Exclusive interview with Summer Fontana, American Actress

By Jean-Paul Eliard
The June 5  2019


Hi Summer, First, I'm very happy to do this interview about you


What did you like about the storyline and your role in X-Men:
Dark Phoenix? 

I love how I got to show Jean at a young age struggling with her powers and then as an adult is faced with the path of good and evil.
I think we all have a unique skill/talent and have each struggled with accepting ourselves fully.

What do you like in movies of  Action, Adventure, Science-Fiction?

What I like about Sci Fi and Action movies is that the stakes are really high and the characters have to work together and give and take for the greater good.


How was the filming with your co-stars and the Director Simon Kinberg?

There is definitely an amazing cast in this movie and I love working with each member. Simon Kinberg is a fabulous person, writer, and director.



When and why did you choose to be an actress?

I chose to start acting at the young age of five.
My mom recognized my vivid imagination and thought it would be a good thing for me to try.
Boy was she right! I love her so much and will always be grateful for what
she has done for me.


What role would you like to play and what kind of film?

I would like to play an eccentric character in a comedy film


To be an actress at 10 years old, is that a problem for the school?

Not really . I am homeschooled and plan on being homeschooled for
the rest of my school years. 


What is your next challenge?

I am currently working on a miniseries by Stephen King and am also pursuing my interest in music. 


Do you wish to add something?

Thank you for having me. I look forward to you all watching Dark Phoenix. 


Thank you very much for your interview Summer and I wish you the best for your future

More information on Summer on Twitter

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