The House with a Clock in Its Walls (USA)

Release in USA the September 21st, 2018

To see other videos:
The House with a Clock in Its Walls


Director: Eli Roth
Writers: Eric Kripke (screenplay by), John Bellairs (based on the novel by)
Stars: Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, Owen Vaccaro .........



Lewis Barnavelt, after losing his parents, is sent to Michigan to live with his uncle Jonathan. He discovers his uncle is a warlock, and enters a world of magic and sorcery. But this power is not limited to good people:
Lewis learns of Isaac Izard, an evil wizard who wanted to cause the Apocalypse so that he could see what happened afterwards. To do this, he constructed a magical clock with black magic, as long as it exists it will keep ticking, counting down to doomsday.
He died before he could finish the clock, but he hid the clock in his house, where Uncle Jonathan now lives. Now Lewis and Jonathan must find the clock before it's too late, and before Isaac's wife, Selena, gets to it.


My opinion:

It is an entertaining film and it enjoys a very good cast.
Besides Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, and Owen Vaccaro
are irresistible, they make the show.
It's always the fight of good against evil and it works perfectly because
the characters are endearing.


My grade:

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