Greta (Ireland,USA)

Release the April 18th, 2019 in Ireland and March 1 st, 2019 in USA 

Director: Neil Jordan
Writers: Ray Wright (screenplay by), Neil Jordan (screenplay by).......
Stars: Isabelle Huppert, Chloë Grace Moretz, Maika Monroe.....

Genres: Drama | Mystery | Thriller



A young woman befriends a lonely widow who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her.


My criticism


Greta by Neil Jordan is a thriller that brings together Isabelle Huppert and Chloé Grace Moretz in a remarkable face-to-face.

With Isabelle Huppert in the role of the praying mantis and Chloë Grace Moretz in the role of the naive victim

The other actors and actresses of the film are good too
Some inconsistencies in the scenario for example, she could have knocked her out
to run away

This thriller reminds me of The Voices. (In French)

My grade:


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